We are delighted to announce we have been awarded an 'Eco Champion Award' from Industry leading Document Management Provider Anota.
Auto-Sleepers won this award for our significant reduction in paper usage and have been branded "a shining example of environmental sustainability in action" by Anota. Auto-Sleeper encourage suppliers to send invoices in via email and then use a paperless invoicing approval system within the Auto-Sleeper Group, whereby employees sign off invoices through a web based portal, rather than printing on paper.
Amy Preston from Anota commented "I'm very pleased to announce to you that Auto-Sleepers is the recipient of our Anota Eco Champion Award - For the client that has had the most significant reduction in paper usage, contributing to environmental sustainability. Together, we're constantly pushing the limits of what DocuWare can do. This ongoing partnership allows us to develop groundbreaking solutions that further streamline Auto-Sleepers' workflows."
Geoff Scott, CEO of the Auto-Sleeper Group said "We introduced the paperless system in 2016 and our accounts department have worked hard to save as much paper as we can. This award recognises these efforts and we are proud to receive it."
Pictured here with the award (left to right) is Mark Oldham, Group Financial Controller, Angela Gittus, Purchase Ledger Team Leader and Geoff Scott CEO of Auto-Sleeper Group