This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Auto-Sleepers Investments (ASI) through its’ subsidiaries is engaged in the manufacture, retailing and servicing of motorhomes and caravans.
By its very nature the supply chain within the automotive sector is a complex one with a number of tiers between the raw material and the end product. All our first tier suppliers are located within the European Union.
ASI is respectful of an individual’s human rights. We set out our policies in this respect through our terms and conditions of employment, health and safety policy and staff handbook. ASI is committed to the prohibition of slavery and human trafficking.
ASI employs staff solely within the UK and in all instances a “Right to Work” check is undertaken. Any agency workers are recruited through bona fide agencies.
We have undertaken an assessment of the risks surrounding slavery and human trafficking within our own operations within the UK and concluded the risk to be low.
This statement was approved by the Board on 7th January 2021.
G Scott
Chief Executive Officer